Pharmacy Knowledge
Possess a comprehensive understanding of core pharmacy knowledge, including biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, behavioural, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences, as well as manufacturing practices.
Planning Abilities
Demonstrate effective planning skills, encompassing time management, resource allocation, delegation, and organizational capabilities. Develop and execute plans efficiently to meet established deadlines.
Problem Analysis
Apply the principles of scientific inquiry and critical thinking while solving problems and making decisions in daily practice. Systematically locate, analyse, evaluate, and apply information, resulting in well-justified decisions.
Modern Tool Usage
Acquire, select, and employ suitable methods, procedures, resources, and contemporary pharmacy-related computing tools, with an awareness of their limitations.
Leadership Skills
Grasp human reactions to change, motivation factors, and leadership dynamics when strategizing changes necessary for fulfilling professional, societal, and practice responsibilities. Engage in participatory or leadership roles as needed to enhance health and well-being.
Professional Identity
Analyse and effectively communicate the significance of professional roles in society, whether as healthcare providers, health promoters, educators, managers, employers, or employees.
Pharmaceutical Ethics
Uphold personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts, acknowledging cultural and individual variations in values, communication, and lifestyles. Utilize ethical frameworks to guide decision-making and take accountability for decision
Proficiently communicate within the pharmacy community and with society at large, encompassing the ability to comprehend and produce effective reports, deliver impactful presentations, create clear documentation, and offer and receive unambiguous instructions.
The Pharmacist and Society
Employ contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, and legal issues, recognizing the associated responsibilities pertinent to professional pharmacy practice.
Environment and Sustainability
Comprehend the effects of professional pharmacy solutions within societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate awareness of the importance of sustainable development.
Life-Long Learning
Acknowledge the necessity for continuous and independent learning in response to technological advancements. Effectively self-assess and utilize feedback from others to
identify on-going learning requirements and address them.